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Everything about our salvation is rooted in the promises God made to Abraham thousands of years ago.  God called him out of darkness and into fellowship with himself.  He whispered promises to him.  Abraham had left behind his own country, his relatives, and his father's house.  But God was promising to give him a new land; God would cause him to father a new people; and God would make for him a new heritage.  The men at Babel sought to build a city and a tower.  The city could provide security, they thought; the tower, significance.  But the Lord would later speak to Abram:  “Do not fear. . .I am a shield to you; your reward shall be very great.”  God was telling him:  Abram, you don't have to seek security in other things—because I am your shield.  And you don't have to seek a reward anywhere else, because I am going to lavish upon you rewards far greater than you could ever dream.  There is gospel glory on every page of the narrative of Abraham.  Come and see the glory of Christ.  Come and be reminded why our salvation will always be by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.


Old Book

The Covenant with Abraham: Full Lecture Notes

Notebook and Pen

The Covenant with Abraham: Student Outline Notes

Typewriter Keys

The Covenant with Abraham: Additional Resources

©2018 by Jon Bonker.                        Getting the best of Covenant Theology into the hands of God's people.          

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