Naturally, most of us would like to think that humanity is basically good. But like a thunder-bolt, Genesis 6:5 records God's verdict on the issue: “the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” The Bible isn't afraid to tell us the truth. And what does it tell us here? Man's corruption is inward (“his thoughts”); it is pervasive (“every intent. . .only evil”); it is continual (“evil continually”); and it is universal (“all flesh had corrupted their way”, later in vv11-12). Not good. And it wasn't just Noah's generation, either. The Savior himself taught us in John 3:19 that the reason we sin is because all of us by nature actually love sin. Well, in light of Genesis 6:5, you might be surprised at God's first reaction. It wasn't actually to break sinners—but his heart breaking over them: “the Lord was grieved in His heart. . .” (6:6). Still, just like any good earthly judge—the Judge of heaven must punish guilty criminals. Some, it's true, were worse than others. But there was no sliding scale; there was no grading on a curve. There was only one standard. Sin was sin. And everyone was guilty. So His wrath fell upon them all. Except one man and his family, that is. Why was it that Noah was spared? Come and see in our study of the Noahic Covenant.