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Moses was all ready; and the perfect moment had arrived.  But the Lord was pleased to let the "perfect moment" pass.  Moses had been called, and he had been well equipped, but his training wasn't quite complete.  The Lord knew that now he needed to be refined, humbled, purified. . .broken.  David went from pasturing sheep to leading God's people, but for Moses, it was like he was going backwards.  And the sheep he now pastured weren't even his—they belonged to his father-in-law.  Can you hear him in the desert:  “Lord, why?  It doesn't make sense. . .”  And not only must it have been incredibly confusing for Moses—it must have been incredibly humbling for him.  Remember, Genesis tells us in passing that every shepherd was loathsome to the Egyptians.  We might well think of it as Moses going from being in Congress to working at McDonalds.  The lessons for us?  We all have ministry dreams and aspirations.  But would you be willing to serve Jesus in the wilderness?  Would you be content with Jesus plus nothing?  Well, Moses may have felt that the glory days were long gone.  But God had other plans.  Turns out the desert wasn't actually the final destination.  God wasn't calling Moses to the wilderness, per se—

but through it.  Come and glean gospel truth for your souls in this first lesson on the Mosaic Covenant.


Old Book

The Covenant at Sinai (Part 1): Full Lecture Notes

Notebook and Pen

The Covenant at Sinai (Part 1): Student Outline Notes

Typewriter Keys

The Covenant at Sinai (Part 1): Additional Resources

©2018 by Jon Bonker.                        Getting the best of Covenant Theology into the hands of God's people.          

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