The first way you can use these materials is simply by reading them. Don't worry about all the footnotes; those can be confusing. Just focus on reading through the material for your own personal growth and encouragement.
This is the second way you can use these materials. As you read through the resources, also make use of the extra wealth of information contained in the footnotes in order to further deepen your overall understanding.
The resources are searchable. If you're looking for information related to a particular topic or Scripture, use the lessons contained in this course as a point of reference. Search for a word, phrase, author, or Scripture reference.
This was the original intent of this course. Use these resources as a means to train your elders or other leaders. It's not meant to be a substitute for seminary education, but it can also be used to train pastors where seminary training isn't otherwise available.
You may have friends who have particular questions about different aspects of Covenant Theology. These materials were made to use. Please feel free to email them to friends so they can do further study on their own.